
DWA Climate Prize awarded

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The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) is offering a climate prize in 2023.

Water is a central component of climate adaptation. Cities must be prepared for heavy rain, heat and drought. For the population, industry, agriculture, forestry and the energy sector, a secure supply of drinking and service water must be ensured even during long dry periods; accordingly, water retention is also an extremely important issue in the countryside.


With this award, the DWA would like to honor only measures for climate adaptation and climate protection that have already been implemented and have a lighthouse character.

The example and the associated measures must be suitable for implementation in other regions or settlements. The sponsors of the respective measures should apply for the DWA Climate Award. The winning projects will be presented in September 2023 at the DWA Dialog in Berlin 2023.

The necessary application form can be downloaded directly here. The application deadline is April 30, 2023.

Further information on submission can be found on the DWA website.

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