
Creating atmosphere. Meeting of the sponsors of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2023

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Meeting on 3 March 2023 in Copenhagen

On March 3, 2023 representatives:inside of the sponsors of the competition German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 met in Copenhagen. They had accepted the invitation of the Louis Poulsen company to the Danish capital. At the company's headquarters in Kuglegarden on Holmen Island, they were warmly welcomed by Jörg Lamers, Managing Director of Louis Poulsen Germany GmbH, and his colleagues Oliver Nieto-Tröger and Oliver Rott.

At the company's headquarters in Kuglegarden on Holmen Island. © Petra Baum

In the ensuing discussion, bdla President Prof Stephan Lenzen and Executive Committee members Jens Henningsen and Franz Reschke provided information on the current status of the competition. Thus at present five specialized Preisrichter:innen evaluate on-line 126 work admitted to the competition. A nine-member jury, which includes Heiko Patzer, managing partner of smb Seilspielgeräte GmbH Berlin in Hoppegarten, as a representative of the sponsors, will decide on April 21 on the 35 works nominated by the online judges. Interested parties from the circle of sponsors will be given an exclusive guided tour of the exhibition of the "prize candidates" by Prof. Stephan Lenzen on the evening before the meeting.

Next large meeting of the promoters and naturally also many other landscape architecture "enthusiasts" is the award ceremony on 15.9. in Berlin. Landscape architects and their clients will receive the awards from the sponsors in the Allianz Forum with a view of the Brandenburg Gate.

And, just as after the game is before the game, after the award is before the award. Franz Reschke, who - like Jens Henningsen - is a member of the AG Landschaftsarchitektur-Preis, reported that the bdla is planning a relaunch of the competition and website. Already until the 2025 competition, whose tendering starts in the 4th quarter of 2024, the facelift - technically, in terms of content - should be completed.

And with this prospect of change(s), those present discussed potentials of future competition campaigns - award categories, special prizes, communication channels, ... The brainstorming was then adjourned, because next items on the program were "pressing".

On the roof of the new waste incineration plant, the "Copenhill" attracts skiers. © Petra Baum

Copenhagen is the World Capital of Architecture in 2023, and that was the maxim for the sightseeing tour. The starting point was the spectacular architectural project CopenHill, the unusual ski and leisure hill on the roof of the waste incineration plant. The tour continued by water along old and new landmarks of the city - the new opera, Maersk Office, the Mermaid, Amalienborg, "Black Diamond", and the Danish architectural center Blox. The architecture tour ended at a lofty height, at Denmark's first farm on a rooftop.

The Danish lighting manufacturer's website says Louis Poulsen wanted to do more than just design lights. "We want to give shape to light and create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable - both indoors and outdoors." - The representatives:inside of the sponsoring companies and associations of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 competition "felt at home" in Louis Poulsen's largest showroom with the current generation of lighting designers.

Sponsors of the competition German Landscape Architecture Award 2023

Bruns-Pflanzen-Export GmbH andamp; Co. KG

competitionline Verlags GmbH

ComputerWorks GmbH

Louis Poulsen Germany GmbH

Polytan GmbH

Rinn Beton- und Naturstein GmbH andamp; Co. KG

Runge GmbH andamp; Co. KG

smb rope play equipment GmbH Berlin in Hoppegarten

Zeppelin construction machinery GmbH

Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e.V. (Federal Association for Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction)

NürnbergMesse GmbH

GdW Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies e. V.

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