
Europan competition E17 "Living Cities 2 - Lebendige Städte 2" announced

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The Europan E17 competition on the theme of "Living Cities 2" was launched on March 27, 2023. Germany is participating in the process with eight locations - Bad Lobenstein, Berlin, Borkum, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Leipzig, Munich and Regensburg. Europan is an architectural and urban planning ideas competition held every two years that brings together European cities with the next generation of architects, urban planners and open space planners.

© Europan

The current tasks range from hybrid, resilient urban building blocks (Munich) and climate-neutral new quarters (Kassel) to revitalization of existing quarters through additions, conversions and further development (Regensburg, Leipzig), wellbeing, spa and health (Borkum, Bad Lobenstein) and sustainable transformation of infrastructures (Berlin, Ingolstadt).

On 21.4.2023, the German launch (online) will take place with short presentations and inputs from, among others, Andreas Hofer (Intendant IBA StadtRegion Stuttgart 2027), Theresa Keilhacker (President of the Berlin Chamber of Architects), Julio de la Fuente (Gutiérrez-delaFuente Arquitectos), Prof:in Melanie Humann (TU Dresden, Urban Catalyst Berlin), Urs Kumberger (Teleinternetcafe) and other speakers:inside. In addition, the cities will present their locations and will be available for questions.

Further information about the competition

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