
Transformation - Strengthening Spaces". German Architects' Day DAT23

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"Transformation - Strengthening Spaces" is the headline of the German Architects' Day DAT23, which will take place on September 29, 2023 at the bcc Berlin Congress Center at Alexanderplatz, organized by the Federal Chamber of Architects.


The growing environmental and resource crisis requires major adjustments of the entire construction sector. We need to understand interrelationships of different aspects to prevent further environmental and climate damage. Only by "thinking and acting in contexts" can we systematically tackle our problems. The prerequisite for this is inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation between planning, politics, clients, science and research. Each task invites us to learn from each other, to leave well-trodden paths and to implement new ideas.

The DAT is the central professional policy event for planners from architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and urban planning, where the current framework conditions for planning and building are critically debated and examined with all stakeholders in the construction industry and politics in order to initiate improvements.

The extensive program consists of several keynotes as well as parallel panels on the urban-rural continuum and existing buildings, land and use, material use and circular economy, young talent, leadership, and the value of our planning as part of the transformation that will define our work for decades to come. Already confirmed are more than 60 speakers, including German Federal Minister of Building Klara Geywitz, Camilla van Deurs, Copenhagen's urban architect responsible for climate protection, and transformation researcher Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel.

The DAT23 is recognized as a full-day continuing education event. Supporting program: award ceremonies for the German Architecture Prize, the German Interior Design Prize and the Berlin networking breakfast "Cappuchino with a View".

Up to 30.6. the Early Bird price of 99 euro is valid for the DAT23. After that, admission costs 129 euros. The price for students is 49 euros.

pdf Program (62 KB)


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