
How do we want to live?

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How do we want to live? This is a question that is occupying more and more people in times of growing cities, scarce housing resources and changing lifestyles. What demands do we place on our apartments and houses? How can we live more sustainably and efficiently? What role do green open spaces play for the health and well-being, the quality of life of the residents?

For bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen, the question is how "we must live in order not to be completely at the mercy of climate change. (...) Let's unseal the parking lot areas, plant trees, store rainwater and thus take precautions against heavy rainfall, and generate recreational areas for city life for young and old. (...) When I think of living in the future, everything will be much greener and bluer, a bit slower. And yes, also more beautiful."

3 Magazin, the printed platform for social discourse in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, asked 96 renowned experts and readers of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in its issue. The discussion sheds light on the future of housing and the challenges as well as the opportunities it presents for all those involved.

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