
Exhibition FRISCHGRÜN21 on display in Höxter

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On June 1, 2023, the exhibition of young landscape architecture "FRSICHGRÜN21" will open on the premises of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences in Höxter. To kick off the two-week exhibition, two landscape architects of different generations will discuss the special role and quality of the work of young offices on June 1, starting at 5:30 pm.

In addition to the larger and established landscape architecture firms, a young landscape architecture scene has been able to develop over the past years. The Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen (Association of German Landscape Architects) has set itself the goal of presenting this new generation to a wider public in the form of an exhibition. Already in 2008 an exhibition of the same name, FRISCHGRÜN21, took place in Berlin. About fifteen years later it is "again and still time" to get an overview.

FRISCHGRÜN21 in the pavilion at the egapark in Erfurt. Photo: Thomas Langreder

The current exhibition, last presented in 2021 at the BUGA in Erfurt, is intended as a snapshot and makes no claim to completeness: In the context of this exhibition, ten young landscape architecture firms present themselves, which have distinguished themselves in recent years through their planned and realized works. The works were chosen by a qualified selection committee consisting of landscape architects. The aim of the exhibition is to convey the special structural and design quality of young landscape architecture. In addition, the people behind the works, i.e. the landscape architects themselves, are presented in the form of portraits in pictures and text.

List of the offices and their projects

SOWATORINI Landscape, Berlin/Bochum
Trees on the horizon, Rursee
Colors of métis, Métis/Canada

LYSANN SCHMIDT Landscape Architecture, Berlin/Wismar
Garden, Ahrenshoop
KITA Märchenland, Wittenberge

impuls Landscape Architecture, Jena
Pocket Park Ludwig-Weimar-Gasse, Jena
Marktplatz, Witzenhausen

GDLA I gornik denkel landscape architecture, Heidelberg
Uferpromenade Neckarlauer, Heidelberg
Böhler Areal, Meerbusch Büderich

GRIEGER HARZER landscape architects, Berlin
Am Koitschgraben, Dresden
Gewerbehof Bundamp;O company headquarters, Chemnitz

GM013 Landscape Architecture, Berlin
KITA and Waldorf School, Berlin
Quartiers- und Landschaftspark Tegel, Berlin

Lohrengel Landschaft, Berlin
Am Lokdepot 6, Berlin
Wissenschafts- und Kreativstandort campus Weissensee, Berlin

Parzelle X - Büro für Landschaftsarchitektur und Naturpädagogik, Berlin
UrbanGardening Installation Futurium, Berlin
School and community gardens, Berlin

Richard Focking, elo Gärten, Nuremberg/Leipzig
Hausgarten W, Nuremberg
Show garden at the Landesgartenschau, Würzburg

fabulism, Berlin
Hortus Mytilus, Taranto/Italy
Landscapes of differences, Berlin

The exhibition FRISCHGRÜN21

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