
Position paper on planning acceleration: Modernize compensation

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The consequences of the "Modernization Package for Climate Protection and Planning Acceleration", which was adopted by the coalition committee of the German government on March 28, 2023, are being intensively discussed in politics and planning practice.

As a contribution to the debate, the Federal Association of Area Agencies in Germany (BFAD), the Federal Association of Professional Nature Conservation (BBN) and the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) have published a position paper.

With it, the associations present starting points for modernizing the fulfillment of compensation obligations and thus contributing to the acceleration of approval procedures. Taking into account the already established structures of land agencies and planning practice, the paper identifies optimization options that enable early and anticipatory provision of measures.

The three associations would like to help ensure that the goals set out in the modernization package are successfully implemented. Because: Planning can be practically accelerated and nature conservation can be given appropriate consideration at the same time. Talks in the political arena on the subject are now pending.

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