The Baukosteninformationszentrum Deutscher Architektenkammern GmbH (BKI) is looking for challenging and current projects for its next volume "BKI Objektdaten Freianlagen".
Applications are open to landscape architects who have realized outdoor projects in the Federal Republic of Germany. The BKI is looking for outdoor facilities and open spaces from completion in 2021 from all German states. For the co-operation in the development of the BKI building cost data bases numerous advantages result for landscape architecture offices:
- 250 Euro expense allowance - per object delivery
- Documented project costs according to DIN 276 and service areas
- Expansion and extension of the office-internal construction cost database
- Documents as reference for project acquisition
- Free technical book with the project publication
- The office is named in the BKI Planner*innen directory on the BKI homepage
- Support for the professional policy work of the chambers of architects and engineers on the remuneration of planning services
Questions about the documentation of construction costs for outdoor facilities to Heike Elsäßer,
The current technical book to the object series and further publications under
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