
bdla in dialog with the federal government on the development of a precautionary climate adaptation strategy

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The German government is currently developing a precautionary climate adaptation strategy with measurable targets and is consulting with key stakeholders on the project. Fortunately, the bdla has also been invited to take part in the Climate Adaptation Stakeholder Dialogue. Federal Managing Director Mario Kahl will represent the bdla there on December 13/14, 2024.

In parallel, there will be a public online consultation on the rough draft of the measurable climate adaptation goals on December 11/12, 2023. The measurable objectives will be developed along clusters such as water, infrastructure, urban development, land andamp; land use, health, spatial planning.

The bdla is asking its members to take part in the public consultation: The draft will be available for viewing on the Federal Environment Ministry's dialog platform from 11 December 2023, where feedback can also be provided.

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