
bdla supports alliance against § 246e BauGB

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In order to accelerate housing construction, the so-called "construction turbo" was announced at the construction summit in September 2023. A concrete formulation is now available in the form of the formulation aid from the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) in the form of Section 246e of the Federal Building Code (BauGB). According to this, in areas with a tight housing market, projects with more than six apartments should be able to deviate extensively from the provisions of the BauGB until the end of 2026.

As part of a broad alliance of civil society players, the bdla is opposed to Section 246e BauGB.

Instead of the established planning culture, democratic participation processes and the municipal right of initiative, an immense part of the inner and outer area is to become potential building land for multi-storey residential construction. The planned regulation creates false incentives in terms of climate and land conservation policy and has potentially serious consequences for settlement policy, quality of life, the socio-ecological transformation of housing policy and the culture of planning and participation in Germany.

At the same time, effective measures in other areas, such as land policy, tenancy law and upgrading the existing housing stock, are not being implemented to the necessary extent and with the necessary urgency.

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