In 2024, the bdla celebrates its 111th birthday; founded in 1913 as the Bund Deutscher Gartenarchitekten BDGA, renamed the Bund Deutscher Landschafts-Architekten BDLA in 1972 and now the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla.

The association will celebrate this anniversary on April 12, 2024 with members, friends and partners at the newly opened Eierhäuschen in Plänterwald in Berlin. The event will focus on the past, present and future of landscape architecture and planners.
After the welcoming address by bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen, we can look forward to the laudatory speech by Peter Cachola Schmal, Director of the German Architecture Museum, Frankfurt/Main. Later in the evening, the revised and updated online exhibition "111 Years of Landscape Architecture" will be launched.
On April 13, 2024, an excursion will take interested parties to Potsdam.
The first destination is the exhibition "Karl Foerster. New Paths - New Gardens", which will be presented at the Potsdam Museum from March 9 to August 18, 2024 to mark the 150th anniversary of his birth. Heidi Howcroft, landscape architect bdla and curator of the exhibition, will guide visitors through the show.

This will be followed by an exclusive tour of the Foerster family's house and garden in Potsdam-Bornim. The Potsdam tour will be rounded off with a visit to the outdoor areas of the new art museum "DAS MINSK", which will be explained by studio polymorph.
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