
bdla for openness to the world and diversity

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Right-wing extremism and right-wing populism are a threat to a pluralistic and diverse society. Democracy is a form of community that shapes things together instead of excluding individuals or groups. - Prof. Stephan Lenzen put it this way for the Professional Association of Landscape Architects in Bochum in mid-January: "Landscape architecture is colorful, not brown."

Planten un Blomen, Hamburg. Planning: POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Berlin. Photo: © Hanns Joosten

The bdla stands for an open-minded society and democratic coexistence and opposes hatred, discrimination and racism. It condemns any form of violence that aims to undermine the consensus on an open, pluralistic society and normalize right-wing extremist politics.

Landscape architects benefit from cultural diversity every day. People from different backgrounds, cultures and religions work in landscape architecture firms. Landscape architects work on international projects. Dealing with global ideas and strategies is enriching. For us, this is a lived reality that makes innovation and change possible in the first place.

With this in mind, the bdla has also signed the statement of the Federal Association of Liberal Professions and its member organizations to take a stand against right-wing extremism as an active part of democracy. It states, among other things, "Our free democratic basic order is non-negotiable. We must and will oppose attacks on it, on its institutions and on our Basic Law. Freelancers stand up for a pluralistic dialogue and against radicalization, hatred, agitation and anti-Semitism."

The bdla's executive committee and federal office are calling on us to stand together and leave no room for contempt for humanity and the undermining of democratic culture.

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