
IFLA congresses and UN-Habitat survey on participation in urban development processes

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The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) has a lot planned for this year:

The IFLA World Congress entitled "code red for earth" will be held in Istanbul from September 4-6, 2024. The focus will be on anthropogenic impacts on the environment and the contribution of landscape architecture to sustainable development. IFLA Europe will also hold its General Assembly and Congress in the Hungarian capital Budapest from October 17-20, 2024. The exact program of both events can be found at and can be accessed.

In addition, the bdla International Working Group will hold its annual meeting on April 18/19, 2024 in Brussels in dialog with representatives of the European institutions.

IFLA World has also issued a call for participation in a survey as part of the UN Habitat program on the degree and scope of citizen participation in urban development processes. Participation is open to individuals, associations, planning offices and experts, among others. The survey in German can be downloaded here can be downloaded here.

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