
Federal Congress on June 7, 2024 in Bonn: Successful implementation of climate adaptation at municipal level

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Representatives of the green associations will meet in Bonn from June 5 to 8, 2024 for the GALK General Assembly and the joint Federal Congress. "Climate adaptation - successful municipal implementation" is the title of the federal congress on Friday, June 7, 2024.

Climate change is palpable and the need for climate adaptation in cities and municipalities is undisputed. Green infrastructure can make a significant contribution to tackling the diverse tasks of climate adaptation with the help of nature-based solutions.

The focus is on concepts and strategies at federal level and the use of modern methods of geoinformatics and environmental management to solve everyday tasks. Claudia Blaurock, landscape architect bdla, Blaurock Landschaftsarchitektur, Dresden, and bdla spokesperson for the use of plants, will speak in the block "Measures for climate adaptation - effective and implementation-oriented".


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