
Award ceremony Gardens of the Year 2024

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First prize for the garden "Stege an den Feuchtwiesen" in Velen, to Christina Schnelting Landscape architect AKNW, Naturwohnraum

On February 21, 2024, the prizes and commendations were awarded in the Gardens of the Year 2024 competition. In front of around 200 guests in the Inspyrium on the grounds of the Ebben tree nursery in Cuijk, the Netherlands, landscape architect Christina Schnelting from the Naturwohnraum planning office in Velen was delighted to receive first prize for her garden "Stege an den Feuchtwiesen" in North Rhine-Westphalia.

"Footbridges on the wetlands". Planning office Naturwohnraum. © Ferdinand Graf Luckner

Callwey Verlag, together with its partners, including the bdla, organized the GÄRTEN DES JAHRES competition for the eighth time. From over 130 entries, the six-member jury - Irene Burkhardt, Munich, was on the jury for the bdla - selected the 50 best private gardens and named the winner and five commendations from these.

Each received a commendation:
HORTVS - Peter Janke Gartenkonzepte for "Elegant Ecology in the City" in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia. Execution: HORTVS - Peter Janke Gartenkonzepte
Paus Gartendesign for "Upcycling Landhausgarten" in Schermbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia. Execution: Paus Gartendesign
Hariyo Freiraumgestaltung GmbH for "Gartenlandschaft in Bewegung" in Jenins, Canton Graubünden, Switzerland. Execution: Salamander Naturgarten AG; inner courtyard paving work: Johannes Koch
Peter Berg Gartendesign for "In dubio pro natura" in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia. Execution: GartenLandschaft Berg undamp; Co; GmbH
Gartenkultur AG for "Abenteuerland Garten" in Jegenstorf, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Execution: Gartenkultur AG

Panel discussion © Peter Johann Kierzkowski

The award ceremony was preceded by a panel discussion entitled "Attractive garden design today. and tomorrow?", at which Brigitte Röde, landscape architect bdla, Planungsbüro Garten und Freiraum, Cologne, took up the cudgels for the profession, whose strength lies in combining ecology and technology with creativity and aesthetics in their forward-looking plans.

Publisher Dr. Marcella Prior-Callwey (left) presents the winner Christina Schnelting with the competition documentation. Peter Johann Kierzkowski

The give-away of the evening was the book "Gardens of the Year 2024" from Callwey with the 50 most beautiful private gardens of the year in German-speaking countries. The book is now available in bookstores.

Gardens of the Year 2024 competition

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