
COOLE BDLA TOUR 2024: Viennese landscape architecture with a climate impact

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The Austrian Society for Landscape Architecture (ÖGLA) offers a 2-day program exclusively for members of the Association of German Landscape Architects. The tour of cool Vienna takes in the city, Seestadt Aspern and the outskirts of Vienna. A half-day background seminar at the ÖGLA, HAUS DER LANDSCHAFT provides background information on the concepts of the projects visited and a seminar on Vienna's sponge city principle for urban trees.

27.6. - 28.6. 2024
Travel: individual
Contribution towards expenses: 280,- Euro (does not include: travel, accommodation and dinner)

You can view the detailed excursion program pdf here (274 KB) .

  • 27.06. / 09:00 - 14:30 Cool Seestadt Tour (urban development area Seestadt Aspern)
  • 27.06. / 15:00 - 18:30 Coole City Tour 1 (future area "Cool streets and squares")
  • 28.06. / 09:00 - 11:30 a.m. Cool City Tour 2 (The densely built-up existing city)
  • 28.06. / 12:00 - 14:00 Background short seminar
  • 28.06. / 14:00 - 18:00 hrs Cool Periphery Tour (The dense periphery)


The event is fully booked.
Event page of the ÖGLA under this link:

  • Latitude: 0
  • Longitude: 0

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