
Symposium on water-sensitive urban development on June 6, 2024 in Nürtingen

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15th symposium of the Academy for Vegetation Planning and Landscaping (avela) at Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences

In the wake of climate change, the city of tomorrow must be planned in such a way that heat stress is avoided - with water and vegetation playing a central role. It is therefore a central planning task of the future to create "water-sensitive cities"! - Topic of the 15th avela symposium on June 6, 2024 in Nürtingen.

© scape landscape architects

Rainwater should no longer be drained away via the sewer system; instead, the city absorbs the precipitation like a sponge and releases the moisture back into the vegetation during dry periods. Water-sensitive cities in combination with intensive greening can make an essential contribution to cooling, counteract extreme flooding, increase biodiversity and at the same time significantly enhance the cityscape.

The aim of the conference in the Nürtingen town hall is to show planners and decision-makers the potential of sustainable rainwater management, to encourage them to rethink and to make it clear that water-sensitive urban development not only enhances our environment ecologically, but also aesthetically!

To this end, current research results and strategies for urban water management will be presented by leading European researchers and planners. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Dickhaut, Hafen City University Hamburg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Dieterle, University of Frankfurt, Björn Embrén, City of Stockholm, Axel Heinrich, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil, and Karoline Liedtke-Sørensen, Head of Landscape, Cobe, Copenhagen, are expected to attend.

Recognition of the training course has been applied for from the Baden-Württemberg and NRW Chambers of Architects.

Conference program

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