
IFLA Europe launches another competition for students and young professionals

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The theme of the IFLA Europe competition is "PLAN(e)T SCAPE". The focus is on plants as a multifunctional factor (including innovative and novel uses of plants in the context of climate adaptation, trees as important cooling and shading elements, etc.) in landscape architecture.

IFLA Europe competition poster

The organizer offers students and young professionals the opportunity to make their projects, ideas and research results known on the "European stage" and in the 34 national associations of IFLA Europe. All European landscape architecture students enrolled in a European landscape architecture program or professionals under the age of 40 who are members of one of IFLA Europe's national associations can submit their project in the following categories:

Category A: Conceptual projects/ideas
Category B: Realized projects

The prizes are endowed with €1,000 each. The deadline for applications is September 1, 2024. The winners will be presented at the IFLA Europe conference in Budapest in October 2024.

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