
Climate adaptation - successful implementation at municipal level

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Federal Congress 2024 of the green associations on June 7 and 8, 2024 in Bonn

"Climate adaptation - successful municipal implementation" - representatives from administration, politics, science, planning and the green sector came together in Bonn on June 7, 2024 for their annual federal congress of green associations. Rüdiger Dittmar, President of the German Conference of Gardening Officers (GALK e.V.), welcomed the 180 or so attendees to the Gustav Streseman Institute. Green-blue infrastructures as a necessity for climate adaptation "ran like a red thread" through the speakers' presentations. Nature-based solutions were named as pioneers and trailblazers of the urgently needed urban and landscape redevelopment and municipalities were assigned a key role.

Climate adaptation measures were discussed by Achim Judt, MWS Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Mannheim, Thomas Amtage, amtage Landschaftsarchitektur I Sachverständigenbüro GmbH, Berlin, Gabriele Bindert, Grünflächen und Friedhöfe, City of Friedrichshafen, Claudia Blaurock, Blaurock Landschaftsarchitektur, Dresden, and Heike Appel, Grünflächenamt, City of Frankfurt, moderated by Mechthild Harting, FAZ, at the Federal Congress of Green Associations on June 7, 2024 in Bonn (from left to right). © Petra Baum

Claudia Blaurock, Blaurock Landschaftsarchitektur, Dresden, and bdla spokesperson for the use of plants, addressed the use of plants in climate change in her enthusiastically received presentation. Thomas Amtage, landscape architect bdla, amtage landschaftsarchitektur I Sachverständigenbüro, Berlin, captivated the attendees with his eloquent and visually rich presentation "It couldn't be more effective - preserving urban trees on construction sites". At the end of the congress, the speakers agreed that planners and municipal representatives need to be louder and bolder in order to showcase the achievements of the green sector and raise its profile in society.

The diversity of the topic of climate adaptation and the necessary concepts in the city of Bonn became clear during the excursions - including to Villa Hammerschmidt with its breathtaking stock of old trees.

In the four-hectare landscape park of Villa Hammerschmidt with giant trees, some of which are over 100 years old. Petra Baum

The annual national congress of green professional associations is supported by the Bund Deutscher Baumschulen (BdB), the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen (bdla), the Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz (BBN), the Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e.V. (BGL), the Deutsche Bundesgartenschau-Gesellschaft mbH (DBG), the Deutsche Gartenamtsleiterkonferenz (GALK e.V.), the Deutsche Gartenbau-Gesellschaft 1822 e.V., the German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture (DGGL) and the Landscape Research Association (FLL).

More on climate change, urban nature concepts, plant use and tree care at this year's bdla Plant Planner Talks on September 18 and 19 in Munich.

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