
Sport, games and exercise

© Oliver Schneider, Labor Lehmacher | Schneider, Osnabrück

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Attractive, high-quality sports and exercise areas are of great social importance. They are places for education, integration and inclusion.

This can be seen in recreational and popular sports as well as in the current European Football Championships. Here, the focus of interest is particularly on the turf.

Bild vom Innernen eines Fußballstadions: Im Vordergrund die Grashalme des RTasens, im Hintergrund die Tribünen
Oliver Schneider, Labor Lehmacher | Schneider, Osnabrück

The lawn as a stage, as a usable surface, as a place of well-being. The diversity of lawns does not always make a clear definition easy. On the one hand, turf is a pflan society with certain types of grass and on the other, it is an important design element in landscape architecture.

Issue 2/2024 of the bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" provides information on all aspects of stadium greenery as well as examples of high-quality sports and exercise areas.

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