
Two cities, one future! BUGA 2029 - Symposium on October 9, 2024

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International planners' workshop on urban development and symposium from 6 to 9 October 2024 in St. Goar

Two cities, one future! In 2029, the Federal Horticultural Show will come to the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in 2002 as "a cultural landscape of great diversity and beauty".

The current focus is on fresh impetus for the urban development of the sister towns of St. Goar and St. Goarhausen. We are looking for visions and ideas for the Bundesgartenschau29 and for the long-term improvement of the quality of life in urban areas.


An international planning workshop will take place from October 6 to 9, 2024, with renowned offices such as Gehl Urban Planners (Copenhagen), De Zwarte Hond (Rotterdam) and Agence Ter (Karlsruhe) represented. Urban planners, architects, landscape architects, tourism experts and traffic planners work together in interdisciplinary teams. The internationally recognized landscape architect bdla and urban planner Andreas Kipar accompanies and advises the planners and municipalities during the process.

The final event will be an international symposium on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 3 p.m. in the Rheinfelshalle in Sankt Goar. Here, the participants will present their visions for the development of "two cities, one future" to an expert audience and all interested parties.

BUGA29, a joint project of the municipalities along the 67 kilometers of the river, is the driving force behind the future of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. The main aim is to revitalize the entire valley and bring it to life, with the support of the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse.

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