
National Strategy on Biological Diversity 2030

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On November 1st, the Federal Ministry for the Environment presented the draft of the National Strategy on Biological Diversity 2030. Departmental coordination has been initiated.

In total, the strategy contains 65 goals in 21 fields of action that are to be achieved by 2030 or 2050. Similar to the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, it is backed up with concrete measures and measurable indicators.

The National Strategy on Biological Diversity was adopted back in 2007. The 2021 coalition agreement then announced that it would be updated by 2030 - as a contribution to the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the EU Biodiversity Strategy. Consultation with associations and public participation took place last year.

Further information and access to the full draft of the NBS 2030 can be found at

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