
Planning professions bundle demands for the 2025 federal election

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All chambers and associations of the planning professions - including the bdla - have published a comprehensive paper of demands for the 2025 federal elections under the motto "How do we want to live together in the future?".

The paper addresses the central challenges of our time and bundles 13 specific demands, including

  • Promoteintegrated urban development concepts
  • Strengthenclimate adaptation for cities, municipalities and the countryside
  • Making the German Building Code (BauGB) fit for the future
  • Introduce life cycle assessment in construction projects
  • Making the awarding of public contracts SME-friendly
  • Complete the HOAI amendment process in 2025

The demands will be submitted to the democratic parties on behalf of the participating organizations. A digital panel discussion with construction policy spokespersons is planned for the end of January 2025.

You can find the complete demands paper here:

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