
Civil Engineering and Standards Committee: Follow-up and preparation bdla construction manager meetings

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On 26 June 2019, the Civil Engineering and Standards Committee met in Dresden-Pillnitz under the leadership of Markus Illgas.

As in every year, the focus was on follow-up and preparation for the site manager meetings. The feedback from the participants on the 2019 event was pleasingly positive. The technical content and the competence of the speakers were rated as good to very good, and there were many suggestions, some of them very concrete, for topics and speakers for the site managers' meetings in 2020. One suggestion was to focus more on plant topics. In this regard, the working group refers to the annual bdla Plant Planners' Days. Nevertheless, in recent years a lecture on the subject of plants has always been included in the site managers' meetings. A presentation on green roofs is planned for the 24th training event on 7 and 8 February 2020 in Bochum. The programme of events will be published in November.

The working group also serves as a platform for exchanging information on current drafts and new publications of regulations and for coordinating the participation of bdla members in the committees of DIN, FLL, DWA and other organizations. The DIN standards committees also provide technical support for the development of European regulations, currently for example on crime prevention and the prevention of terrorist attacks.

The draft version of the handbook on flood proof developed by Tom Kirsten and Dieter Pfrommer was welcomed by the working group. After revision, it is to be published in the form of a brochure before the end of the year. The aim is to inform landscape architects as well as clients about the subject and to regulate questions of scope of services and remuneration. Another bdla publication on preliminary investigations for vegetation protection during construction measures is planned for the coming year. Also to this topic the authority of the landscape architects is to be represented outward and strengthened inward.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2019

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