
Civil Engineering and Standards Committee: Silver jubilee and other standards

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With the necessary safety margin, the bdla Civil Engineering and Standards Committee met in Kassel on 1 September 2020. As every year, the first thing to be done was to take stock of the last bdla Construction Manager Talks, which had taken place in Bochum on 7 and 8 February 2020.

Fortunately, the feedback from the participants was very positive with a large number of suggestions and concrete speaker proposals for the next Construction Manager Talks. As things stand, the 25th bdla Construction Manager Talks are to be held on 18 and 19 June 2021 in the BUGA city of Erfurt, subject to further relaxation of the currently applicable health and safety requirements.

Possible topics and speakers were discussed in the working group, as well as the question of how to appropriately celebrate the silver anniversary of the site managers' talks. The annual update on what's new in the world of regulations is to be produced in written form or as a video presentation at the beginning of next year and offered exclusively to bdla members.

A recurring item on the agenda is the exchange of information on the work of the rules and regulations: Who is involved in which rules and regulations committee? What is currently being discussed in the committees? Which rules and regulations have just been published or will be published soon? Currently, about 25 members of the bdla are involved in the various committees of FLL, DIN and other institutions.

According to the assessment of the working group, the Corona pandemic has hardly any impact on the construction industry at present. It can be observed that companies in the gardening and landscaping sector are organising their personnel and machinery deployment differently in order to minimise the risk of infection. As a rule, additional expenditure does not occur.

Another topic was the sustainability of building materials. Findings on life cycle assessment, energy efficiency, recycling possibilities and degradability of materials are only partially available so far and are mainly based on calculations/information provided by the producers. It was agreed to consult the FLL working group on the sustainability of outdoor facilities.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2020

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