
Economy Committee: Economic Forum series to be continued

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The bdla-AK Ökonomie met on 16 January 2018 under the leadership of the speaker Jens Henningsen in Berlin.

Intensive discussions were held about the bdla Economic Forum, which was held for the 10th time on 13 November 2017, last year in Würzburg. Since the event has established itself well and is an important platform for office owners in particular, the 11th Economic Forum is to take place in November 2018. The content will include the shortage of skilled workers, which has now reached most planning offices. Conceivable counter-strategies include increasingly employing lateral entrants from related industries and foreign specialists in planning offices, as well as offering flexible working hours and part-time models. The profession must also ask itself why the number of students is declining and why studying landscape architecture is apparently no longer as attractive as it was in the 1990s. Last but not least, rather modest earnings prospects play a role.

BIM was discussed again. Even if the topic is of rather little relevance in most planning offices now and in the next two to three years, according to the assessment of the working group, the establishment of a BIM working group at the level of the bdla is welcomed in order to accompany the development at an early stage and to be able to exert influence, e.g. on the development of BIM standards. Above all, it must be clear to all participants that the use of BIM cannot be had for free. (The AHO is already working on a publication on services and fees for BIM).

Other topics discussed at the meeting were the construction contract law, which came into force on 1 January, and the sub-threshold award regulations, which have so far only been transposed into state law by individual federal states. In the matter of DIN 276, there will be a second draft amendment in the spring, so that the adoption of an amended DIN 276 is not to be expected before the end of 2018.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2018

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