
Economy Committee: HOAI and Economic Forum 2021

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Once again, the Economy Committee met for a virtual session. On 14.12.2020, Jörg Homann, landscape architect from Cologne from club L94 Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, introduced himself to the committee members as the newly elected bdla spokesperson for the topic area of economics.

He explained his motivation, is pleased about the collegial cooperation and also outlined the upcoming tasks. His predecessor Jens Henningsen was thanked for his many years of commitment; he will remain responsible for the topic area in the presidium.

The 13th bdla Business Forum will now not take place until 22.09.2021 in Hamburg due to the pandemic. It is combined again temporally with the workshop for young landscape architects, the second in the meantime. Due to the new date, the conference programme can now be revised in peace; initial considerations have been made. Some committee members see the challenges and effects of the new HOAI as a central topic for the business forum. Questions about the future culture of awarding contracts, the specification of fee zones by clients or the basic commercial tools of the trade, especially for young offices, were mentioned.

Dieter Pfrommer, öbv. Honorarsachverständiger for achievements of the landscape architects, landscape architect bdla in Stuttgart, informed about the discussions in the architectural associations to the consequences from the HOAI. From it also some drafts are present to concrete guidance for the determination of future fees. The aim of this publication is to provide contractors and clients with specific guidance (see p. 7). The committee members will examine these texts and voted in principle for corresponding publications of the bdla.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2021

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