
Arbeitskreis Gartendenkmalpflege: On the methodology of garden monument preservation

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The expert speakers on garden monument preservation met under the leadership of the expert speaker Prof. Stefan Pulkenat on 16 April 2018 in Berlin.

The seminar "Methodology of Garden Monument Preservation from a Planning Perspective" on 7 May 2018 in Berlin, which was held on the initiative of the bdla by the Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (German Foundation for Monument Preservation) with the bdla speakers Prof. Stefan Pulkenat, Irmela Löw, Holger Paschburg and Prof. Dr. Caroline Rolka, was discussed in detail.

The aim was to inform above all the lower monument protection authorities about the special features of garden monument preservation. It is planned to repeat the event in southern Germany and possibly to offer it on a regular basis. The question of how historical cultural landscapes can be protected as monuments was controversially discussed, as well as the legal relevance of the stipulation of the Federal Nature Conservation Act in § 1, paragraph 4.

There it is stated: "In order to permanently safeguard the diversity, uniqueness and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and landscape, natural landscapes and historically developed cultural landscapes in particular, including their cultural, architectural and soil monuments, are to be protected from disfigurement, urban sprawl and other impairments, . ...". The discussion will be continued with the involvement of the bdla legal adviser.

Two position papers are being prepared by the working group: The background to the first paper is the unfortunate circumstance that clients are sometimes of the opinion that garden monument care services can be remunerated according to the service profile of the care and development plan (§ 27 HOAI). The second paper concerns plans by the City of Munich to build a tram line through the English Garden, which would increase the separating effect.

The catalogue of services for the preservation of garden monuments, the preparation of which was initiated by the working group and which is currently being concretized in the FLL working group for the preservation of garden monuments under the leadership of Prof. Pulkenat and in coordination with other associations, can be completed in the second half of 2018.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2018

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