
New FLL Publication: Catalogue of Services for the Preservation of Garden Monuments

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Newly published as a technical report of the FLL is the "Catalogue of services for the development of garden monument conservation target planning". It contains a uniform procedure for garden monument conservation target planning and thus contributes to the qualification and standardization of this discipline. The catalogue of services can be ordered for 27,50 Euro in the online shop of the FLL.

The catalogue of services was developed under the direction of Prof. Stefan Pulkenat, bdla spokesperson for garden monument preservation, by the FLL working group garden monument preservation. Members of the bdla as well as other professionally concerned associations, among others the DGGL and the GALK, were involved.

The catalogue of services can be used for all types of listed evidence of garden and landscape culture, such as historic cultural landscapes, gardens, parks, green corridors, cemeteries, city squares or open spaces in connection with historic buildings. It is intended for owners and clients who are entrusted with testimonies of garden and landscape culture as well as for processors and contractors of garden monument conservation target planning.

The catalogue contains extensive lists of various work steps which represent the concerns of garden monument preservation exclusively in the sense of expert planning. For each step in the process, parameters to be taken into account and possible sources of reference are named as an aid. The core of the technical report is the focus on the work steps fundamentals, history, inventory, analysis, evaluation as well as the result of the monument conservation objective. This forms the basis for subsequent planning such as measures, maintenance and object planning.

The catalogue of services is also indirectly helpful for fee calculations and contract awards, as it contributes to structuring and qualifying service descriptions. Clients as well as contractors can better assess which components or partial services are required for the development of garden monument conservation target planning in a specific individual case.

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