
Monument Preservation Committee: Seminar on FLL Service Catalogue in preparation

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The Monument Preservation Committee has not had a meeting since December 2019. On 19.03.2021 they met again online. The topic was the FLL service catalogue for the development of garden monument preservation target plans.

Already two months after the introduction of the FLL service catalogue a positive summary can be drawn. Many service catalogues have already been ordered and the knowledge about the existence of the paper has also found its way into the administrations. However, the effect of the catalogue on remuneration has not yet been conclusively clarified due to a lack of long-term experience. The bdla plans to hold a short online seminar on the FFL performance catalogue on 23 June 2021. The seminar will highlight basic principles and minimum standards for investigation, as well as refer to the evaluation and formulation of a heritage conservation target planning. The aim is to make the catalogue known to the members of the bdla and to clarify open questions.

Furthermore, the seminars on the methodology of garden monument preservation were discussed with the Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz. If possible due to the pandemic, attendance events are planned for 2022 in Munich, Berlin and Bonn. The committee's event concept for the face-to-face event in Munich in 2022 is to be retained. A new cluster "Garden Monument Preservation" is currently being developed by the committee. A first draft with possible projects, sighted in the web portal, was created, which will be discussed in the next days and weeks.

In the next meeting on 09.05.2021 the participation of a guest of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation from Leipzig is planned. It is to be discussed and sounded out together, which relevance the determinations of the federal nature protection law have regarding the protection of historical culture landscapes.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2021

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