
The landscape is now: IFLA Europe General Assembly and AEP Congress in Granada

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From 20 to 24 October 2021, European landscape architects were drawn to Granada.

It was not the magnificent medieval fortress of the Alhambra that was the "drawing card", but the first international congress of the Asociatión Espanfiola de Paisajistas AEP "Landscape Here and Now" and the general assembly of IFLA Europe afterwards. The delegate of the Federal Chamber of Architects, Fritz Auweck, who is also the bdla spokesperson for international affairs, and his successor at the BAK, Gwendolin Kusters, came from Germany. From the bdla, Steffi Schüppel (online) and Almut Jirku (working group New European Bauhaus), who are active in the working group Internationales, were present.

The general assembly started on 22.10. under the motto "Landscape here and now" with presentation lectures according to the "knitting pattern" Pecha Kucha. In three-minute presentations, the participants brought their view of things to the point. Gwendolin Kusters presented the project Linden-Süd, Hannover, as a German contribution, a planning with a bottum-up process, to be seen on

The General Assembly, which was hybrid, was attended by 60 participants; 15 joined from their PCs. Since all reports had been posted to Dropbox well in advance of the meeting, there was no need to reproduce detailed remarks, and the focus was really on discussing questions about the reports.

In keeping with tradition, those present drafted a resolution. "The climate emergency forces industrialized countries to act: for social justice, for environmental ethics, for survival.... We must act now, and in two directions: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and safeguarding forests, soils, oceans and biodiversity. Taking care of other species also means taking care of ourselves, there is no doubt about that and there is no time to lose. [...] The compatibility of natural and human dynamics is an integral part of the landscape architect's work. We play with an advantage. A holistic analysis of the characteristics and needs of the place, the creation of spaces with high environmental quality and the improvement of the quality of life of individuals and communities, while respecting local character, are the principles that determine the best landscape architecture projects." The resolution was signed by all delegates in attendance.

A book of landscape architecture projects is again planned for 2022. The partner, Landscape Architecture Europe, will publish the book "AT A GLANCE" with outstanding work in Europe after the competition and judging in 2020/21.

The goal of the Agricultural Landscapes working group is to bring the profession more into relevant EU policies and events. Thus, the working group, in which Steffi Schüppel, landscape architect bdla, Dresden/Milan, is active, was able to participate in several events.

The working group New European Bauhaus, representative of bdla Almut Jirku, was most challenged. Inspired by the views and experiences of thousands of EU citizens and organizations who participated in the co-design of the New European Bauhaus from January to June 2021, the WG identified four thematic axes:

  1. Reconnecting with nature,
  2. Recovering a sense of belonging,
  3. Prioritizing the places and people that need it most,
  4. Promoting long-term, life-cycle thinking in the
    industrial ecosystem.

On Oct. 24, 2021, the IFLA Europe Award was presented to Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission. At the end, there were elections: Katerina Gkoltsiou from Greece is the new President of IFLA Europe; Didier Vancutsem (Belgium) was elected Vice President Professional Practice.

On October 23, the BAK had invited to a reception before the IFLA Europe dinner to bid farewell to Prof. Fritz Auweck and welcome his successor Gwendolyn Kusters as new BAK delegate. Prof. Niebergall, virtually connected, took this opportunity to express his gratitude for the commitment of the outgoing delegate.

Author: Prof. Fritz Auweck, Landscape Architect bdla, Munich, bdla-Speaker Internationales, in bdla-association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2021

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