
International Working Group: IFLA Activities, Visibility and Synergy Effects

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On June 20, 2022, the members of the International Working Group met under the leadership of the newly elected spokesperson Steffi Schüppel together with the team of landscape architects formed last year, who want to get more involved in the international work.

One concrete topic discussed was how the visibility of German landscape architecture could be strengthened on an international level. Here, the EU initiative "New European Bauhaus" with its projects, events and presentation platforms offers a good opportunity. Involvement in the working groups of IFLA Europe and IFLA World also serves to strengthen networking and to set specific accents for the interests of German landscape architects.

The bdla is already represented in some working groups such as Professional Standards, New European Bauhaus or Agricultural Landscapes. However, interested parties are cordially invited to participate through the federal office.

In addition, the external presentation of the association is supplemented by the new thematic focus "Europe and International Affairs" on Contentwise the welcome initiative of the bdla (in particular Green Basics Academy and Welcome Class), study possibilities of English-language courses of studies in Germany as well as current European Union politics are brought up for discussion. Calls for cooperation in European projects of the EU Commission are also bundled there. Fortunately, further synergy effects for the international work are further guaranteed by Gwendolyn Kusters in her functions as a board member of bdla Lower Saxony Bremen and BAK delegate at IFLA, as well as the personal contacts with the Brussels liaison office.

This year's IFLA congresses are also casting their shadows ahead, such as the IFLA World General Assembly, which will be held in Gwangju, South Korea, from 29 August to 2 September 2022. The European region will hold its assembly in Helsinki from 13-16 Oct 2022, focusing on aesthetic courage in landscape architecture against the backdrop of global crises. The bdla will have a presence at both formats.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2022

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