
International Working Group: IFLA General Assemblies and Common Training Frameworks

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The working group met again virtually on November 11, 2022. The main focus was on evaluating the results of the two General Assemblies of IFLA-World and IFLA-Europe.

Steffi Schüppel participated on behalf of bdla and Gwendolyn Kusters, bdla Lower Saxony Bremen, via BAK.

The General Assembly of IFLA-World took place from August 31 to September 2 in Gwangjou, South Korea. There, it was advocated that the profession should increasingly refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their work. In this regard, a handout "A landscape architecture guide" has been developed as a general guideline. In addition, the statutes with extended regulations have been merged into one document (Operations Manual).

Climate change and shortage of professionals dominated the debates and elections were held: IFLA President is Bruno Marques, New Zealand. Hermann Georg Gunsauggson of Iceland was elected treasurer. Congress and Council 2023, entitled "emergent interaction," will be held simultaneously in Stockholm and Nairobi in late August. A call was made to find more volunteers for the various working groups. For the preparation of the 75th anniversary of IFLA-World next year Steffi Schüppel is involved in an ad-hoc working group.

The General Assembly of IFLA-Europe on October 14-15 in Helsinki focused on the following topics, among others: Opening of a membership database, amendment of the statutes in response to the adaptation of Belgian association law, elections, acquisition of third-party funding, the advantages of IFLA recognition of national courses of study. A draft of a common training framework (CTF), addressed to the EU Commission, for an easier recognition of landscape architects Europe-wide was presented. A statement has been prepared in cooperation with the AK Ausbildungswesen.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2023

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