
Public Relations Committee: Professionalization of the public relations work of the bdla

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The speakers dealt intensively with the resolutions of the 2020 Advisory Council at their online meeting on 20.11.2020.

They confirmed their claim to themselves and the workshop planned for 2021 to jointly analyse which goals the association and its state associations should pursue in their public relations work and which implementation strategies are required for this. A goal is "Professionalisation of the public work of the bdla within the range press and media".

In the matter of the study price the specialized speakers can understand the tendency of the speech of the occupation new generation with the goal of the member production. Before this background numerous groups of land extinguish supra and regional new generation competitions, distinguish already study work.

These activities, that show the experiences from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxonia-Anhalt, Saxonia, Thuringia, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria, are most successful, if thereby the resident university is merged, university teachers their support promise. The Public Relations Committee supports the idea of a nationwide prize for student research projects and offers full public relations support, from the announcement to the award ceremony. There is less expertise in its ranks regarding the conception of such a competition, which is why the involvement of the AK Ausbildungswesen should take place.

The speakers discussed the applications of the regional groups for funding of their public relations work. The projects are supported by the campaign of the bdla "We design climate" and provide for conferences, exhibitions and workshops. bdla speaker Petra Schoelkopf will submit a corresponding application for funding of the regional group activities to the advisory board on 16.04.2021.

The speakers were enthusiastic about the relaunch of Markus Schäf, bdla Bavaria, has already agreed to develop two clusters - schoolyards and playgrounds as well as daycare centers - for the website.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2021

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