
AK Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Successful relaunch

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On 03.04.2021, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met at their monitors.

bdla speaker Petra Schoelkopf informed in detail about the results of the advisory board meeting, which took place online on 16.04.2021. An important result of this meeting was the unanimous decision to follow the application of the spokesperson regarding the subsidy of projects of the state group public relations work in 2021. All requested projects can now be initiated or further processed by the national groups/associations.

Another item on the agenda was the relaunch of The speakers welcomed the fact that the web portal has now - eight years after the website was launched on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the bdla - undergone a technical and visual update. In future, this will offer an impressive user experience on all screens - from smartphone to desktop. Explicitly highlighted was the fact that the new design creates a visual link to the association's website Those present expressed their thanks to the federal office, namely Jörn Hagenloch.

Which chances and risks public relations offers in Corona times, the opinions were very unanimous. Board meetings and general meetings held online are a real gain - in time and in participants. Everyone regrets that joint meetings, lectures, excursions and summer parties cannot be held as presence events or that their realization is still in the stars. Great hopes are placed on the summer and outdoor events.

Cordula Wengemuth invites everyone to come to the lecture events of the bdla Thuringia at the BUGA in Erfurt. For example, on 7 July for the opening of the exhibition "FRISCHGRÜN21" of the bdla working group Young Landscape Architects.

The public relations spokespersons arrange to meet on 19 and 20 November 2021 in Ettersburg for the public relations workshop and the 53rd meeting of the working group.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2021

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