
Public relations working group: Promoting national group public relations work

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On 19.11.2021, the public relations spokespersons met for their 53rd meeting at Ettersburg Castle near Weimar.

Unfortunately, the workshop, which had been postponed several times since the beginning of 2020, had to be postponed again. Petra Schoelkopf sums up that in the past 18 months - especially due to Corona - a lot has happened/changed in the (public relations) work of the national groups: online event formats, moving images, .... Part I of the workshop must therefore be thought of and analyzed from the perspective of the national groups. What is their focus in public relations? What are they capable of? Climate change, the demanded climate adaptation strategies "play" into the cards of landscape architects. Public relations should be aligned with this. But can this be instrumentalized? New planned date is 06.05.2022 in Berlin.

The subsequent reports from those present on public relations work under Corona "influence" confirmed the approach for the workshop. The two new landscape architecture competitions from bdla Bavaria and bdla Baden-Württemberg should be highlighted at this point.

Before the background of the 25,000.00 euro promised for the year 2022 in the budget for the promotion of projects of the public work of the national groups from federal means the speakers discussed the available requests from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hessen, Bavaria, Berlin Brandenburg, Lower Saxony Bremen as well as Schleswig-Holstein and gave their recommendations for the advisory board meeting on 01.04.2022.

Petra tree had informed about the resolution of the presidency to accept the offer of the renowned Carlsen publishing house to manufacture a Pixi new production to the occupation of the Landschaftsarchitektin/des Landschaftsarchitektenin. In the project-bound working group "Pixi" co-operate from the working group public work the subject speakers Petra Bernsee, Susanna Hirzler, Jutta Sankowski, Petra Schoelkopf and Cordula Wengemuth. On 20.12.2021, the WG met online for a preliminary discussion to prepare the virtual kick-off meeting with the publisher on 11.01.2022.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2022

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