
Public relations working group: workshop and Pixi book

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On May 7, 2022, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 54th meeting.

The previous day, the workshop on the state group's public relations work had taken place in Berlin, and the debates held, questions raised, ideas developed and wishes expressed for public perception still moved the round.

Thus, an almost seamless transition to the agenda of the AK meeting succeeded, in which it was about the reporting of the advisory board meeting 2022. In addition to the bdla image film of the bdla regional associations of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse, it was about the application of bdla nw, which had focused on the students as a target group of bdla public relations. The present Fachsprecher:innen agreed with the importance of the target group. Petra Schoelkopf gave the reference to the so-called "future day" as measure for the vocational orientation for pupil inside of the 5. to 10. classes. In 2023, it will take place on April 27. The Fachsprecher:innen intend to direct the commitment of the bdla and its members to the future day 2023 and to start this as a pilot project. Petra Bernsee, Petra Schoelkopf, Philipp Sattler, Anna Dierking and Jutta Sankowski are involved in the "Zukunfts-AG".

The Pixi-AG brought in the first sketch of the booklet "Landscape architect Lena plans a park for all". The debate was critical and constructive and resulted in numerous suggestions for improvement, which Cordula Wengemuth, Petra Schoelkopf and Petra Baum put forward to Carlsen Verlag. In the meantime, the project has been completed in full and to the satisfaction of both the bdla and Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg. The bdla has 30,000 copies at its disposal, which it will use proactively in its future (junior) public relations work.

In preparation for the workshop Part II, the Fachsprecher:innen will agree on content and goals in the online meeting in September.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2022

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