
Public relations working group: bdla members at Girls' and Boys' Day on April 27, 2023

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On November 18 and 19, 2022, public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for Workshop II and the 55th working group meeting.

The workshop dealt with the analysis of Generation Z (birth years 1995 to 2010, incl. students in the career orientation phase), which is the subject of the bdla's approach to young professionals. In addition, the "implementation of a campaign" was discussed. According to the assessment of the bdla-speaker Petra Schoelkopf it must be a question now of developing a communication message for the federation, with which young people in the occupation choice are addressed professionally and up-to-date.

The spokespersons were asked to define the target group(s) based on the conditions of the respective federal state, to research and compile their platforms and the infrastructure of communication. The findings were shared with each other in an online session. The stated goal is to activate the membership to participate in the nationwide Girls' and Boys' Day on April 27, 2023.

In the subsequent working group meeting, those present discussed the applications of six regional groups for funding of their projects for regional group public relations work and formulated their vote for the application of the spokesperson at the advisory board meeting on March 31, 2023. In view of the applications submitted for regional group public relations work, Petra Schoelkopf asked that the approach to young people/students started by the working group be communicated even more in the association structures and integrated into the regional regional group public relations.

Furthermore, Petra Schoelkopf reported on her participation in the Presidium meeting on November 3, 2022. Those present noted with great interest the activities for regional landscape architecture awards and work on the website 100 Years of Landscape Architecture. On the occasion of the 111th anniversary of bdla in 2024, this is to be technically transferred - after updating the content - to the web portal Landschaftsarchitektur

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2023

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