
Public relations working group: Workshop on addressing young talent

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On May 5, 2023, public relations experts met for Workshop III in Berlin. The starting point was the effort of the working group and the association to proactively address generations Z and Alpha.

Moderated by the EINSATEAM agency, the aim was to work out the goals and content of a bdla campaign for young people in the career orientation phase. Based on their experiences and wishes, the spokespersons designed a target group-oriented variety of communication strategies and means, reverted to proven methods, were inspired by campaigns of other associations, and thought in new, different and further ways.

With some time to spare, the spokespersons summed up the four-hour workshop the following day during the 56th meeting of the working group. The assessments ranged from "still very abstract, many things only touched on" to "goal-oriented, tangible". bdla spokesperson Petra Schoelkopf put it in a nutshell: "What we need now are work orders; schedule, specifications, task description".

To sort the catchwords fallen in the workshop, to weight, to fill with life and to focus the measures, found themselves within the working group Aktivist:innen - Petra Schoelkopf, Thomas English, Claudia Langer, Katrin Schube, Jutta Sankowski, Christiane Eberts -, which arranged itself already on 6 June 2023 to the next discussion.

In the context of the new generation speech the working group had recruited under the bdla offices to open to the Girls' and Boys' Day on 27 April 2023 the offices for interested Schüler:innen. In principle, this worked well. Unfortunately, the operator, the Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V. (Center of Excellence for Technology Diversity and Equal Opportunity), did not allow offers for students because "men are not underrepresented in this profession. A rather dubious justification for a platform that claims to be "the world's largest career orientation program", "free of gender stereotypes". Let's see what happens next year: Girls' and Boys' Day will take place in 2024 on April 25.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2023

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