
Public relations work group: junior staff work with focus on high school graduates

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Petra Schoelkopf, bdla spokeswoman for public relations, had already informed the executive committee extensively about the activities of the working group public relations in terms of junior staff work with a focus on the pupils of the 5th to 10th grades at the meeting on November 3, 2022. The working group was given the task of analyzing the ways and means that the association and its members need to address students.

Further workshops and meetings of the Fachsprecher:innen on 6.6. and 21.6.2023 resulted in the "AKÖ-Initiative zur Sensibilisierung junger Menschen in der frühen Berufsorientierung als Beitrag zum bdla-Nachwuchskonzept". From the heterogeneity of the target group numerous school and extracurricular possibilities of the in contact coming were derived and from the different communication channels again very broadly varied means of communication (from the exhibition booth over the project day up to the social media reel).

The working group had turned with it to the presidency: Is a real chance seen for the realization of a large-scale "offensive" Generation Z and Generation Alpha against the background of the means and possibilities of the association and its members (the best communicators)?

The Presidium agreed at its meeting on 6.7.2023 that the focus will continue to be on the target group of school leavers who are immediately before the decision to choose a course of study. This is what happened with the publication of the advertisement of the bdla in the brochure "" and the social media activities planned for September/October 2023 using the channels within the bdla as well as friendly channels.

Nevertheless, the committee is in favor of implementing concrete contents of the concept, in particular offers to support regional groups and member offices with materials (roll-ups, postcards, further give-aways, etc.). For this the motive of the aforementioned advertisement is to be used.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2023

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