
Public relations working group: bdla imagefilm and junior staff concept of the AK

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On November 16, 2023, bdla spokesperson Petra Schoelkopf welcomed the participants at the screens and in the conference room of the Uwe Seeler Football Park in Bad Malente, because unfortunately the hybrid meeting version had to be chosen at short notice due to the rail strike.

The image film for the bdla, financed in 2021 with 12,000 euros from the regional group's public relations funds, was presented to the specialist spokespersons from the bdla regional associations of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse. The opinions on the film were consistently positive: serious, promotional, very professional, consistent in its style. The film is available to the bdla and its regional associations for their public relations work.

The concept presented to the executive committee by the public relations working group for young talent work with a focus on pupils in grades 5 to 10 did not have the expected effect. The members of the Executive Board reaffirmed their decision to continue to focus the association's activities on the group of school leavers who are about to choose a course of study. Nevertheless, the contents of the concept, e.g. offers to support the presence of regional groups and member offices at education fairs (roll-ups, postcards, other giveaways, etc.), should be implemented.

The expert spokespersons decided to analyze their concept for "usability" and, if necessary, to make improvements to the positions that are promising for the recruitment of young talent, e.g. participation in Future Day (Girls' Day and Boys' Day), career presentations at schools, presence at education fairs.

In the working group meeting that followed, those present discussed the nine regional groups' applications for funding for their regional group public relations projects and formulated their vote for the specialist spokesperson's application for the advisory board meeting on April 12, 2024 in Berlin. The next meeting will take place on May 3, 2024 in Potsdam.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 1/2024

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