
Competition Working Group: Dare more open competitions

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On May 30, 2022, Speaker Steffan Robel convened the Competition Working Group for an online meeting.

Due to Corona, the expert spokespersons had met at irregular intervals, but this is to be continued with the usual regularity.

The members discussed the administrative obstacles, partly too complicated and not always comprehensible award procedures of the public sector (VgV procedures) and spoke out in favor of more open planning competitions. These types of competitions play a central role as an awarding instrument and as a tool to ensure planning and thus also construction qualities. As a rule, this ensures that high-quality and comprehensible planning results are achieved.

In general, it is necessary to repeatedly promote open competitions in which younger offices can also participate. Competition procedures with set participants and VgV procedures with requests for proposals ("disguised competitions") are viewed critically by the members of the working group. In this regard, the bdla has published a handout on quality and fairness in planning competitions, which can be obtained from the federal office.

In addition, the so-called conceptual competitions for climate-friendly urban redevelopment were a highlighted topic of discussion. The question of how climate adaptation criteria can be anchored in individual funding programs was also addressed in concrete terms. For a broad participation of landscape architecture offices, it is therefore necessary to ensure an adequate processing fee and public presentation of the competition results.

In this context, the cooperation with the working groups economy as well as urban planning and open space planning is sought in order to define further common interfaces and to create synergy effects. For the autumn meeting the urban planning draft as Leistungsbild in the HOAI 202X will be discussed in more detail.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2022

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