
bdla presidium meeting: goals and priorities

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The newly constituted Presidium met for the first time in its entirety on July 6, 2023, at the bdla Federal Headquarters in Berlin.

The new assessors Prof. Dr. Antja Backhaus and Martina Gaebler were warmly welcomed. The President, Prof. Stephan Lenzen, used the occasion of the strengthening of the team to discuss current goals and tasks as well as the working methods of the committee.

Among other things, the allocation of personnel within the Executive Committee was determined for some of the association's current areas of activity. In the future, Franz Reschke will be even more involved in the area of young talent/skilled labor shortage. One of the most important professional focal points of the bdla, climate adaptation, will be strengthened by Martina Gaebler (focus on landscape planning) and Prof. Dr. Antje Backhaus (focus on open space planning, education).

Timo Herrmann and Gudrun Rentsch will intensively accompany the current major BauGB amendment. It was also agreed that the colleagues involved in the HOAI amendment will be supported by the association's leadership: Prof. Stephan Lenzen, Jens Henningsen and Gudrun Rentsch will assume this responsibility.

The medium-term planning of events and further training took up a lot of space. For example, the bdla will play an active role in the Federal Congress of the National Urban Development Policy, 12/13 September 2023, Jena. Together with the BDA and DASL, a separate "side event" will be held at the congress. And Vice President Timo Herrmann will represent the profession, for example, at the workshop "(Um)Baukultur und dreifache Innenentwicklung" of the Federal Environment Agency in September.

The Executive Committee discussed in detail the shortage of skilled workers and the corresponding activities of the association. Among other things the working group public work submitted an extensive concept in puncto new generation work, which is to be concretized now with reference to pupil fairs.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2023

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