
Plant Use Committee: "Adequate" plant planning

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On 22 July 2020, the Plant Use Committee met for its third web meeting of the current year, chaired by Prof. Dr. Swantje Duthweiler.

At the meeting in May, the committee had already established that although the importance of plants as a living building material has steadily increased, plant planning is seldom adequate, especially when it comes to the sole commissioning of corresponding services and the fee according to HOAI is based on the chargeable costs. Among other things, the committee had discussed the possibility of anchoring plant planning services as special services in Annex 11 HOAI.

After criticism from the association, the committee emphasized in its current meeting that it can only be a matter of representing extraordinary efforts that go beyond the usual basic services of plant planning. Already today, the "selection of plants at the supplier (producer)" can be found as a special service in Annex 11 HOAI. As a result, the committee agreed to present the problem of the often inadequate remuneration in a comprehensible and exemplary manner. Subsequently, further steps will have to be discussed as well as other relevant committees of the bdla will have to be included, among others the Building Technology and Standards Committee as well as the Economy Committee.

Occasionally it is discussed in professional circles whether it is meaningful and necessary to establish a separate specialization of the care gardener in the dual vocational training of gardeners. The committee is of the opinion that it is initially sensible in training to provide an overall view, i.e. as a rule to do an apprenticeship in horticulture. Building on this, specialisation in the field of green space maintenance can take place.

Further topics were the envisaged certificate in plant knowledge/use and the question of whether and how a further training course in plant use can be organised next year. Those present favoured a virtual event format.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2020

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