
Plant use working group: Review and outlook for the plant nursery and species identification

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Hybrid, the members of the Plant Use Working Group met on 8.10.2023 under the chairmanship of the newly elected expert spokesperson Claudia Blaurock, Dresden. There were intensive discussions about the Plant Planner Days 2023, which took place in Mannheim on 16/17 June.

The format with a lecture section and subsequent excursions as well as the wide selection of presentations was generally appreciated. Efforts will continue to be stepped up to include presentations on successfully tried and tested climate-resilient perennials and woody plants, sustainable care and maintenance management and current scientific research results (viewing gardens, façade greening or tree rigoles, etc.) for upcoming plant planner talks. (A gender-appropriate adaptation of various bdla events has recently been undertaken). The exact time and location for 2024 have not yet been finalized. For further synergy effects, exchanges are also to be sought with the Construction Technology and Standards Working Group.

In addition, work on a species identification certificate for perennials in cooperation with a number of universities is progressing well and a first preliminary draft is available. This species identification certificate is primarily intended to be a certification of plant knowledge for students. It can be completed in bronze, silver or gold, depending on knowledge. Depending on the requirements, knowledge of sociability, typical diseases, habitus/growth and habitat of origin is tested. There are further subdivisions into trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, geophytes, ferns, aquatic plants and exotic plants. Identification exercises and educational films for self-study and in presence are planned. The level and number of plants to be identified increases from bronze to gold. The main aim of the species identification certificate is to re-establish sound plant knowledge in practice and, in a next step, to open it up to other participants.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2023

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