

10 News

German Landscape Architecture Award. The meeting of the sponsors

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ComputerWorks had invited to the now traditional meeting of the sponsors of the German Landscape Architecture Award on 24 April 2018 in Lörrach.

News · 26. April 2018

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Guide to climate protection and green infrastructure in the city published

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The Centre for Urban Nature and Climate Adaptation at the Technical University of Munich has published a 48-page guide "Climate Protection and Green Infrastructure in the City".

News · 23. April 2018

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Baukulturwerkstatt "City and Bicycle Mobility" on 3 and 4 May 2018 in Karlsruhe

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The Bundesstiftung Baukultur invites you to the Baukulturwerkstatt "City and Bicycle Mobility" in Karlsruhe on 3 and 4 May 2018.

News · 10. April 2018

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bdla-AK Wettbewerbswesen speaks out against "planning competition

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Under the leadership of Andrea Ziegenrücker, bdla spokesperson for competition, the bdla working group of the same name dealt with the problem of "grey" competition and award procedures on 12 March 2018 in Berlin.

News · 21. March 2018

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FLL General Meeting and Elections. Landscape Architect Markus Illgas Elected to the Presidium

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The FLL General Meeting elected Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kias as the new President of the Landscape Research Society and other members of the Executive Committee on 14 March 2018 in Bonn.

News · 20. March 2018

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New edition of the AHO booklet on the awarding of freelance services published

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The 2016 reform of public procurement law has necessitated a fundamental revision of AHO Booklet No. 35 "Awarding of freelance services in the construction industry".

News · 19. March 2018

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Federal Congress of Green Associations on 8-9.6.2018: New ways in green space management

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From 8 to 9 June 2018, representatives of the bdla, BGL, DBG, SRL / IfR, DGGL, FLL, GALK associations will gather in Frankfurt/Main for their annual national congress. The venue is the Gewerkschaftshaus in the Main metropolis.

News · 15. March 2018

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Insurance cover for BIM

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According to the standard terms and conditions for professional liability insurance, the insurance always covers "the legal liability for the consequences of violations in the exercise of the activities/professions described in the insurance policy".

News · 15. March 2018

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Professional liability insurance: What should be contractually regulated in the event of a handover/succession?

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Landscape architects are well aware of their special professional risk "liability" (= obligation to pay damages), especially since they owe success according to the German Civil Code (BGB) contract law and not merely the performance of an activity.

News · 15. March 2018

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European Cultural Heritage Year focus of the bdla association magazine

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The year 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The focus is on the communal and unifying aspects of European culture.

News · 14. March 2018

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