
Advanced training start of the bdla in Bochum - 21. bdla construction manager discussions

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Record attendance at 21st Construction Manager Talks on January 13 and 14, 2017.

The start into a new decade of the bdla advanced training highlight construction manager discussions was accompanied equal by several innovations: the removal from the Havel to Ruhr and Emscher in Bochum, the conference place RuhrCongress with clear capacity increases and introduction of a soil-scientific seminar. On 13 and 14 January 2017, bdla Vice President Stephan Lenzen, RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten, warmly welcomed over 350 professional practitioners from planning offices and colleagues from offices and authorities to these construction manager discussions, which have advanced to become an important industry meeting in 20 years of events.

In the tried and tested manner and at the most up-to-date level, the focus was on construction technology and construction management in open space planning and on questions of construction law, conceived and moderated by Markus Illgas, bdla specialist spokesman for construction technology and standards, with the support of the members of the bdla working group of the same name.

In addition to the 2017 update on newly published or revised standards and regulations, the topics of the two-day event included lectures on Building Information Modeling in landscape architecture, requirements of green roofs, green and resilient pavements as well as securing systems for tree plantings and soil protection during construction. bdla legal counsel Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh spoke on the challenges of product-neutral tendering.

At the end of the second day of the event, 30 site managers were able to test soils under the expert guidance of Dr. Heinz Peter Schrey, Geological Service NRW. The other event participants were spoilt for choice between three excursions. Employees of the Lorberg tree nursery and the Bochum green space office devoted themselves to the planning and use of specimen trees in Bochum's inner city. The project "Stadtumbau Innere Hustadt", awarded the nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2016, was explained on site by Danielzik Leuchter, Duisburg, and wbp Landschaftsarchitekten, Bochum. The 3rd excursion led to the project that was also awarded the nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2016, the Grüne Mitte Essen, to which Matthias Funk, scape Landschaftsarchitekten, Düsseldorf, had already given an impressive introduction in his presentation on "Hybrid Parks: New Ways of Rainwater Management".

The 21st bdla Construction Manager Talks were sponsored by the companies BURRI public elements Deutschland GmbH, DATAflor AG, Funke Kunststoffe GmbH, H. Lorberg Baumschulerzeugnisse GmbH und Co. KG and Rinn Beton- und Naturstein GmbH und Co. KG. Many thanks.

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