
metropolitan open space @ IGA 2017

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International conference from 18 to 21 May 2017 in Berlin by Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH and bdla

Berlin and other metropolises are currently facing enormous challenges, especially with regard to significant population growth. The question of the significance of urban open spaces for sustainable growth is an exciting one. What contributions can landscape architecture, urban and open space planning and garden culture make when it comes to providing local answers to global challenges?

The conference metropolitan open space will address the significance of public space in the century of cities in presentations and excursions from 18 to 21 May 2017 in Berlin. The Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, the IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH and the bdla invite you to this international event.

The event will kick off on the evening of 18 May 2017 with a reception at the Centre for Art and Public Space, Schloss Biesdorf. On Friday, May 19, the organizers expect the participants at the Visitor Center of the IGA in Berlin-Marzahn, where national and international experts from science, research, sociology, urban and open space planning, philosophy and the cultural sciences will shed light on the significance of public space from their respective perspectives. Aspects of the international perspective will be contributed by the award-winning landscape architects from five continents who have created contemporary garden cabinets for IGA Berlin 2017.

On Saturday, May 20, the international landscape architects will explain their conceptual gardens at the IGA and continue the discourse of the conference. This will be followed by a tour of the IGA with expert guides. The conference will conclude on Sunday morning, May 21, with various tours of current and world-renowned projects in Berlin landscape architecture.

The conference is sponsored by Kronimus AG - Betonsteinwerke and Berliner Seilfabrik GmbH.

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