High quality of the open spaces and consideration of the urban green are also evaluated. bdla is co-publisher.
The competition for the German Building Owner Award, which the KOOPERATION working group, consisting of the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies (GdW), the German Association of Cities (DST) and the Association of German Architects (BDA), has again launched for 2018 to support positive approaches and solutions in residential construction, is based on the conflicting priorities of high quality and affordable costs.
Under the motto "High quality at affordable costs", new buildings and refurbishments in housing construction can be submitted until 1 June 2017. Housing companies and
cooperatives, private and public developers, investors, developer groups, municipalities and property developers, freelance architects, urban planners and landscape architects as well as consortiums of planners (on behalf of their clients) can submit projects that have been realised in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1 January 2013 or are nearing completion by the end of March 2017 at the latest.
The Association of German Landscape Architects, as co-promoter of the competition, has lobbied in advance for the submitted projects to be judged on criteria such as
- exemplary integration into the urban, landscape and historical context,
- high quality of open spaces,
- diverse and user-friendly open space offer,
- consideration of urban greenery and urban ecological findings.
Friedhelm Terfrüchte, landscape architect AKNW, bdla, DASL, planning office DTP Landschaftsarchitekten, Essen, is participating in the 2018 jury on behalf of the landscape architecture profession.
Since 1986, the German Building Award has been recognized in the professional world as the most important prize in the field of residential construction in Germany.
For more information on the conditions of participation, the procedure and the judging criteria, please refer to the German Building Owner Award.
Association of German Landscape Architects
Köpenicker Straße 48/49, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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