
Is the global hot spell coming after the summer of the century?

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bdla: Climate adaptation urgently needed. Showcase projects in online exhibition

Is the summer of 2018 just an "exceptional summer" or does it bear witness to climate change? The risk of forest fires is increasing, urban trees are drying out, farmers are faced with massive crop failures, major rivers are drying up, and heat stress is reigning in urban neighbourhoods. The current heatwave gives an idea of the full impact of climate change. Once again, the need for action to adapt to the new climate is becoming abundantly clear.

On the current occasion, Till Rehwaldt, president of the bdla, pleads for more support for municipal and regional climate adaptation projects. "Climate scientists are already talking about the fact that we may be on the way to the 'hot age'. According to this, the planet could cross a critical threshold. Even Germany is not immune to serious impacts. The federal, state and local governments must increase their efforts. Specifically, green-blue infrastructures can be developed and maintained more decisively today to at least limit climate risks. City and countryside must be transformed in a water-sensitive way."

Climate adaptation projects exhibit

In its latest online exhibition "Climate Adaptation" on the web portal, the Association of German Landscape Architects presents 14 exemplary projects for adaptation to climate change. The range of open spaces covered is wide; from climate-optimised city squares to new urban quarters and regional cultural landscapes. The planning diversity of adaptation measures presented is no less remarkable: evaporation and runoff reduction on building sites, the function and interaction of our urban trees, precautionary measures for torrential rain in urban areas, the storage function of re-wetted fens.

Climate adaptation requires innovative concepts, convincing communication and the qualified implementation of measures. Landscape architects are successfully meeting this challenge. And while climate protection, i.e. the reduction of greenhouse gases, has a global effect, climate adaptation measures are particularly significant in regional and municipal implementation.

Landscape architects take responsibility for successful climate adaptation with their projects: the green square in the city, appropriate redensification, near-natural water retention, the exciting landscape development concept. The fields of action are wide-ranging. Whether it is agriculture or forestry, nature conservation, health, tourism, urban planning, the design of green spaces and residential areas, or energy management, the effects of climate change can be reduced through targeted strategies and measures. Climate adaptation measures have the potential to make an effective contribution to climate protection and building cultural quality.

In its web portal, the bdla presents various fields of activity of landscape architects in diverse, exciting topic clusters. With the project and planner database, it offers the possibility of individual occupation with current landscape architecture.

Federation of German Landscape Architects bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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